Our Events

Upcoming Meetings

Meeting Rescheduled for March 2022

  Anniversary Meeting 

March, 2022

Past General Biennial Meetings

IX: Anniversary Meeting, March 2022, 
Punta Arenas, Chile
VIII: Joint NTS and INA, May 20-23, 2017,    Florianopolis Brazill
VII: April 12-16, 2015, Cuenca, Spain
VI: March 21-24, 2013, Valdivia, Chile
V: April 7-10, 2011, Uspallata - Mendoza, Argentina
IV: April 2009, Arica, Chile
III: March 23-25, 2007, Pucon, Chile
II: March 25-27, 2005, Viña del Mar, Chile
I: April 25-27, 2003, La Serena, Chile

NTS Satellite Meetings with Main Meeting

2015;  Seville, Spain - Discussions on models of neurodegeneration
2013; Easter Island, Discussions on controversy in neurodegeneration and neuroprotection
2011; Iguazu Falls, Argentina - Neuroprotection and neurorepair:  new Strategies
2009; Machu Picchu - Point/counter-point neurodegeneration and interventions
2007; Patagonia - Neurotoxins, neurodegeneration and neuroprotextion: past, present, and future. 

Past Satellite Meetings

Society for Neuroscience
2019, Induction and Resolution of CNS Neuroinflammation and Neurotoxicity
2011, Inflammation in neurodegeneration and neuroprotection.
2009, Protection against neurodegeneration: are there common endogenous mechanisms and does preconditioning research provide insights.
2008,  Molecular and cellular mechanisms of neuronal degeneration and protection.
2007, Protein Misfolding in Alzheimer and Parkinson's disease.
2006, Neurotoxic Mechanisms in Alzheimer's Disease.
2005, Dopamine Oxidation and Parkinson´s disease.
2004, Iron and Parkinson's Disease and Neurotoxicity of Substances of Abuse.

Forum of European Neuroscience (FENS)
2019; Dublin, Ireland
2018; Berlin, Bermany
2017: Pecs, Hungary
2016; Copenhagen, Denmark; Symposium "Mechanisms of neurodegeneration and progression: From mechanisms to therapies in Parkinson's Disease. 
2012: Barcelona, Spain;  Symposium “Mechanisms of neurotoxicity and implications for neurological disorders”. 

2019; Portland, OR; Symposium"Inflammation and Neurodegeneration: Mechanisms of neurotoxicity. " Society of Neuroimmune Pharmacology. 
2016; Krakow, Poland; Symposium"Parkinson's Disease/Neurodegenerative Disorders". 2nd Central European Biomedical Congress. 
2016; Krakow, Poland; Presidential Symposium "Inflammation and Neurodegeneration." Society of Neuroimmune Pharmacology. 
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